Photovoltaic plant "Probishtip Solar" is a complex of three PVPs: "EVN Solar 1", "EVN Solar 2", and EVN Solar 3". It is located near the villages of Buchishte and Petrshino, Municipality of Probishtip.
The total installed power of all three plants amounts to 10,980.66 kW.
In order to use the available area of the plot to its fullest, 20,148 photovoltaic panels with an individual installed power of 545 W were placed on a structure at an angle of 25 degrees, occupying an area of about 52,070.2 m2.
The plot in question has an area of 116,551 m2, with the panels arranged in rows and oriented to the south.
The solar radiation has an average annual energy density of solar radiation of 1,676 KWh/m2.
The planned annual production of the new photovoltaic plant is 16 GWh.
Environmental Impact
The generation of electricity by photovoltaic panels (solar cells) has a positive impact on the environment and the use of the panels indirectly reduces the emission of greenhouse gases; therefore, this power plant helps reduce the emission of CO2 to 7,322,719.00 kg.